Monday, September 22, 2014

The Narrowest Standard of Beauty

This short film is a horrifyingly, beautiful and accurate depiction of Western beauty standards.

Supervenus by Federic Doazan showcases the trauma and harm that a certain aesthetic does to a woman's body. The film is quite gory, as a real woman is nipped and tucked. We often forget that real women are engaging in this drastic behavior everyday to prove their worth and value to a society that holds them to such a narrow standard of beauty.

The amount of women who seek out plastic surgery gradually increases every year, telling an awful tale of how we view women's bodies and how women are taught to view themselves. We often regard women's bodies as products, something to be constantly improved upon and re-constructed at all times, as our bodies are suited for the male gaze and nothing else.

Check out the film and reflect for a moment on the harm this has on a woman's self esteem and how she regards herself in society. This is something we all need to talk about. When we put so much brain power towards our outward appearance, we often forget about making strides for women in politics and in the workplace.


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